Why use Task Manager ?

We have a well-tailored solution for you!

Why should your office team useTask Manager [TM] to assign tasks ?

Once all your office members are connected to their projects through BcStep , you can efficiently assign tasks to any team member using Task Manager [TM] . This tool assists in maintaining a comprehensive track record of who is assigned to which task, how many tasks each team member is handling, and when tasks are completed. With a readily available list of all tasks for each team member, you can easily decide whom to assign the next urgent task, and when assigning a task, you can adjust the priority of their current workload to guide their action sequence
BcStep ensures a complete trail, both ProjectWise and TaskWise, detailing who completed which task, who approved it, when it was reviewed, updated, approved, and when it was officially marked as "completed" within your organization.
Therefore, Task Manager [TM] is instrumental in helping your organization track and internally coordinate all tasks performed by your project teams. Your TM is also equipped to document the formal "Approval process" required within your organization among your office teams. This data contributes to optimizing your organization's resources for the best quality output.
For quick action, you can generate a task for any file or data you are viewing in any module. The use of Task Manager [TM] streamlines task assignment and enhances internal coordination, promoting efficient task management within your organization.

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