
What is furthermore on BcStep, for Contractors ?

BcStep is an elaborative platform for Contractors to monitor and optimize their resource deployment in the projects, enhancing direct decision-making process involved with every project-team and maintaining reporting/documentations in the project

Attendance & Activity tracking of Labours as well

BcStep's attendance and activity tracking system provides the contractor's office with detailed insights into labor performance. The ability to track not only attendance but also specific activities allow for intermediate monitoring based on the contractor's preferences. This tracking process facilitates accurate verification of labor wages by the accounts department. This comprehensive reporting helps the contractor make informed decisions for resource optimization across teams.

Tracking Signing of Checklists, Curing stages, Rectification of Quality-Notices/Snags and Testing of Materials

BcStep also addresses concerns of founders of the contracting companies about timely testing and monitoring of activities at the site. Invoicing prompts his site team to sign checklists, and checklist signing prompts the upload of test reports, curing, ponding, etc. This ensures enforcement of required all quality processes. Contractors are informed instant quality matters and snag points, which his team can track until satisfactory resolution.

Material tracking, from BOQ to MRS to PO to delivery and storage, is seamlessly managed in BcStep . Dispatch records from suppliers/sub-contractors automatically reach the contractor's office, site team, and security team. Complaints to supplying companies are communicated efficiently, allowing for better and timely responses. The contractor's office can monitor which test reports are verified by the architects or consultants and which ones are not.

Tracking status of Invoice Certification

Contractors can track the certification status of their submitted invoices from the developer's team to the accounts team, providing transparency in the payment process. The developer's accounts department can readily share the contractor's ledger, offering a clear overview of all payments issued. Similarly, suppliers, sub-contractors, and security agencies can track their invoice certification at the contractor's office until reaching the accounts team for payment issuance. Additionally, the contractor's accounts department can share their ledger, providing comprehensive visibility into all payments received.

The accessible and shared ledger information contributes to a more seamless and collaborative financial management process. The tracking and sharing process for invoice certification and ledger details streamlines the payment workflow, reducing the need for extensive human involvement in follow-up processes. This, in turn, allows for increased human involvement in more value-adding activities, contributing to a more efficient and productive financial management environment

Optimizing Resources

Contractor’s site supervision teams prepare Daily Work Reports (DWR), and developer/PMC's engineering team then can modify these reports as needed. Automatic updates on labour attendance in DWR, as soon labours mark their attendance, ensures focus of engineering team only on productive works.

Tracking available for resources like machinery and formwork/scaffolding/safety materials further aids in optimizing available resources & overall project efficiency.

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