Architects & Consultants

What is added further on BcStep, for Architects and Consultants ?

BcStep offers Architects and Consultants a comprehensive platform to manage and optimize their project involvement, enhancing communication and documentation throughout the project lifecycle

Appointment Letter Reminders

If an architect or consultant forgets that their office has not received an appointment letter from the developer, BcStep will provide reminders to follow up with the developer until the appointment letter is uploaded for the architect or consultant's office in the project account

Comprehensive Drawing/Documents Tracking

BcStep maintains a comprehensive track record of all issued Concept and Good for Construction (GFC) drawings/documents, including issued prints to the site and developer's office, as well as any revisions made by the architect or consultant's office. This helps optimize resources and fee structures for future projects

At the concept stage, BcStep seamlessly connects architects, consultants, and developers to track comments received from all planning members. These comments are recorded and retained throughout the project for future reference.

Verification of Latest Drawings

As the architect or consultant's office controls the flow of GFC drawings/documents to project teams, site assistants can easily verify whether the latest issued drawings are being used for execution by comparing the printed date and time on site prints with the GFC uploads from the architect or consultant's office. When a consultant upload updated GFC drawings, automated notifications are sent to everyone connected to the project, including contractors. This ensures a streamlined and transparent process where the latest information is promptly communicated to all stakeholders, fostering collaboration and accuracy in project execution.

Site-Visit Booking & Site-Inspection Reporting

BcStep streamlines the site-visits process for the site-team, ensuring efficient coordination and documentation. The site-team can seamlessly book site-visits even with changes in the office team at the ends of architect/consultant. The right responsible person gets engaged automatically from their office. A pre-scheduled visit reduces the likelihood of accidental omissions in Site-Inspection Report writing due to the process set there in BcStep. All connected site-teams are notified as soon as a visit is booked, ensuring everyone is informed. The visiting Consultant can note suggested changes, along with pictures for better understanding by the site-team. Matters reported during site inspections are tracked until satisfactory resolution, providing a transparent process. Visiting consultants can track rectifications remotely, aiding in effective project management.

BcStep's systematic approach to site-visits enhances communication, ensures accurate reporting, and facilitates effective collaboration between site-teams and architect/consultant offices throughout the project lifecycle.

Documentation for As-Built

BcStep facilitates seamless communication between site-teams and architects/consultants, enhancing the documentation and tracking of suggested changes during visits. Site-teams can notify architects/consultants seamlessly about changes suggested during their visits. Reported changes are documented, reported and stored in specified links for future reference by architects/consultants. This documentation aids in tracking suggested changes, ensuring a systematic approach for their incorporation into the As-Built documents issued later by the architect or consultant's office upon project completion.

Notification of Important Project Matters

Architects or consultants can utilize their experience by alerting site teams and developer offices about important project matters through the "Notified MISC Imp. Project-Matters" module. Notifications are relayed to the site team on the specified day or at the entered stage, as indicated by the architect or consultant.

Tracking Documentation & Tests at Site

BcStep allows architects or consultants to keep track of all documentations being maintained & tests conducted at the site for materials in use and works being executed. The developer's office can also monitor which documents & test reports are verified by the architects or consultants and which ones are not.

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